Margo Fowkes, OnTarget Consulting, 2014 CCA_Wonderball Keynote
Margo customizes her programs to the unique needs of her audience and inspires participants with practical ideas they can take back to their workplace and use immediately.
Some of our most requested topics include:
From Coping to Conquering: Overcoming Negativity in the Workplace – What is a negative work environment costing you? Reduced productivity or deteriorating quality? Increased absenteeism? Heightened tension, affecting workers, managers and, worst of all, customers? Sometimes it seems as though negativity is everywhere. We find it in our best employees and even in ourselves. This pessimism can come from a seemingly endless list of sources – change, corporate restructuring, poor communication, lack of teamwork, loss of control, ineffective management. But you don’t have to accept its presence or the attitudes it creates. By conquering negativity in your organization, you can raise morale, improve quality and enhance the productivity of your workforce. Your employees can become better team players, more effective communicators and learn to succeed in an ever-changing world.
Productive Practices Create Positive People – Are your employees distracted by the threat of change? Are events beyond your control creating negative attitudes within your workforce? In these uncertain economic times, the success or failure of your organization can hinge on the ability of your employees to handle change and adversity in the workplace. Anyone can learn to chart a positive and productive course given the right tools. Providing your people with coping strategies will enable them to stay focused and become resilient in stressful environments. Your employees will not only survive, but thrive when they understand how to remain productive and optimistic even in the most stressful conditions.
Learn the Difference: Separating Real Problems from Life’s Inconveniences – Have you ever tormented yourself with this kind of self-defeatist thinking? “She said the layoffs won’t affect me, but I know I’m going to lose my job.” Or, “Last night, I couldn’t sleep because my boss told me that I’m overbearing, and my team doesn’t like working for me.” At times, we anticipate problems, only to find that our worst fears are unfounded. In other situations, we overreact or lose confidence based on the comments of a boss or co-worker. With the benefit of time and perspective, we often discover our perceived problems are actually just life’s inconveniences. We can’t change what happens to us, but we can change the way we think about life. Learn to separate legitimate concerns from needless worries and prepare yourself to handle them. Discover how to live in the present and not allow a future you can’t control to control you.
Lessons from My Father – Are you afraid of growing old in a society that values youth? Do you know relatively young people who have stopped learning and growing? Perhaps you feel stuck, bored or dispirited. Regardless of your age and attitude, the reality is that old age, with a little luck, is where most Americans will spend much of their lives. Too many of us live focused on how old we are rather than how old we feel. As baseball legend Satchel Paige said, “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you was?” Learn how to nurture and maintain your vitality and love of life from the insights of Margo’s 102-year-old father, a man who had his third child at the age of 61 and didn’t declare himself retired until the age of 96. Discover how to live long and well, always embracing life no matter what obstacles are in your way.
“In the six years that I have been involved with this conference, I cannot recall any speaker taking so much time to prepare a topic so thoroughly. Not only did you help us understand negativity but you also provided practical solutions that we could take back and actually use in our day-to-day dealings with others.”
“The best part of the presentation was Margo – plain speaking … believable advice. I’ve been to many of these kinds of seminars – yours was the best!”
Contact us to discuss your speaking needs. Our initial consultation is free. You’ll get value from our time together that you can use immediately, regardless of whether we decide to work together going forward.