Margo delivers interactive workshops customized to the needs of her clients. The content is created specifically for the client organization based on defined objectives, desired outcomes and the information gathered beforehand from participant interviews and surveys. Margo’s workshops are full of common sense ideas and practical tools that participants will use and remember long after the workshop is over.
Some of our most requested topics include:
Keeping the Good Ones: How to Retain Your Best People – The good news is that better pay is not the answer. The bad news is that a higher salary will lure an unhappy employee out the door in a heartbeat.
Building A Board That Works – Finding the right people and getting the most from them requires board development to be an on-going process instead of a once-a-year scramble.
Teaming Toward Tomorrow: Building a High Performance Team – Too often we assume that teambuilding is an innate talent, rather than a skill that can be learned.
When Loss Comes To Work – During the week, we spend more time at work than we do with family and friends. Yet we struggle to support our coworkers when they’re grieving, often turning away or falling silent when they need us most. Acknowledging the loss, offering to help and checking in frequently can all help your grieving colleague transition back to work.
One Bad Apple: Dealing with Difficult People at Work – Managers and employees often believe their problems would vanish if they could just get rid of that one “problem personality”, when the truth is that we are all someone else’s difficult person. The best teams view differences as strengths and stay focused on performance not personalities.
When Conflict Strikes: Preserving the Relationship and Getting What You Want – Conflict is a natural part of life yet we often see it solely as negative. Handled correctly, conflict can improve productivity, strengthen teamwork, boost morale and inspire creativity and innovation.
“Our recent downsizing and reorganization left the remaining staff with uneasy feelings about the future of the organization. Your workshop helped to restore their faith that the Museum is once again stable and thriving and assure the staff that we all can learn from the past negative outcomes that have occurred. Since the retreat, attitudes have been enthusiastic and positive. ”
“To say that your approach was ‘well-received’ would be an understatement. Your easy rapport with your audience demonstrates that you have taken the time to really focus your energies on what is important to your audience. Having a sustained impact on your audience is perhaps the greatest measure of effectiveness and has left our members with ideas they could use for the long run.”
Contact us to discuss your presentation needs. Our initial consultation is free. You’ll get value from our time together that you can use immediately, regardless of whether we decide to work together going forward.